Term 2 Highlights
My Highlights has been cross country training, I really like pushing myself to see how fast I can run.. I know I’ll get a great result if I keep up my training.
I love my Blog page, it’s a great way to share what I’ve been doing both at school and home. It’s like a diary that everyone one can see.
Science has been awesome!! Find out new things about acids and bases was really interesting. Plus dissolving and melting different ingredients was fun and interesting. Here are some photos
Passport to Knowledge was neat, the topics were challenging. It is good because you learn new stuff about the topic. I'm very excited to do it again next term.
My Goal’
My goal is to not speed through my work and get it perfect .
To plan what I do in my week in my individual timetable.
Term 2 Evaluation
Maths - Maths was fun, It was challenging but enjoyable as I went to another class. My MDR is improving.
Reading - Spelling city and our new task is fun, I think I achieved in my SRA’s because I get them all correct. My reading has gotten better now that I’m reading slower. Looking forward to reading more challenging books next term.
Writing - I like the topics that's we write about. I am making my stories more descriptive now. I am going to start to describe my “Hooks” better next term,.
Visual art - I find art very fun. Brings out my creative side. I love getting dirty with colors.
PE - I really enjoy Cross Country training as I know it’s going to improve my fitness. will keep training right up to school champs and hopefully go to Thames Valley.
Thrilling Thursday - I have enjoyed Thrilling Thursday because of the acting we did. It was fun making objects. I liked the dancing we did, it was very different. Thrilling Thursday is great and I can’t wait for next term.