Week 2 and Week 3
Draft 2
Detective Harris Dairy
Day one of this case about a rhinoceros whose race car runs out of fuel. He was racing and then he runs out of fuel in the middle of the race. I think I already know what made that happen: One of his teammates in the pit has not put in fuel so Richard Rhinoceros has lost the race because he ran out of fuel. Or maybe his Fast Flamingo did it.You see. This is going to take forever! I am super frustrated why can’t we just say he ran out of fuel.
Day two of this case and I have some people that I think did it. Dangerous Duck who is always stirring the pot, Fast Flamingo who races Richard Rhinoceros, Abnormal Ant who is small but ferocious and Dirty Duck who is always dirty from cleaning all the dirty cars. Just after lunch today we found something that might have something to do with the mystery. It was dirty handprint on Richard Rhinoceros car. So we go talk to Dirty Duck. He said that he was just cleaning his dirty car. What ever ducks can’t clean cars. This is our number one suspect.

Day three and I am super duper frustrated. We have not yet found a useful piece of evidence. Which is annoying because we need to find out the fuel thief. Is not like evidence will drop out of the sky. Maybe I was wrong. At ten I found a weird trail of crumbs coming from Richard Rhinoceros car. But what does that have to do with mystery it is just crumbs! Ants like crumbs. Ant was in his car...
We go see ant and he has a weird look on his. I have a good feeling it was him but how can we get him to speak up. He says he can not deny or confirm that he was in Richard Rhinoceros car. So we will take that ant to court. We found the video of him putting a little bit of fuel in the car and eating Richard Rhinoceros sandwich. Like a pig in thick mud. The running out of the pit on his small legs. Then he is telling Fast Flamingo (who races Richard Rhinoceros) about what he has done. This shore will get them in animal jail. Thats a case for detective Harris. This will be my last Detective Harris Diary entry for I am going to be a nurse now (working out mysteries is hard)!
Week 1
Draft Two
School Holidays Writing
I tap my feet to the music playing overhead. I pick up the heavy ball for where it was and take a deep breath. I can do this! I picture the ball hitting the pins and knocking them all over. I swing my arm back with the bowling ball gripped tightly in my hand. I feel as if my life depends on me winning even though I am just bowling with my friends and family. I slowly release the ball from my clench hand and it speeds down the bowling alley. I close my eyes and slowly peek through my fingers. It smashes the first pin in the centre and it falls down to the ground and hits another and another till all the pins have fallen down except the last pin. I have done it, I have knocked down the pins. I feel on top of the world. But I still have to knock down the lasted pin. I have a strong gust of determination and thats when I know I can do this. I take a deep breath. I swing my arm back again and it glides along my side. I lean down almost touching my knee on the ground. I let go the ball from my grasped hand and it rapidly rolls down the bowling alley, It turns and is heading for the gutter. Oh dear. I wish I could move the bowling ball so it is in line with the pin. It falls down into the gutter. My smile turns into a frown. But I still feel awesome about my turn and have had fun at bowling in Auckland.
Week 12
Draft 2
Back To The Cavemen
Today my teacher gave out an assignment to think If I could travel back in time where I would go back to and ,write about it. When she said this ideas rapidly popped into my head and soon I was bubbling with many ideas to write a story about. I could... The bell rang and interrupted my dream. Time to go home. I grabbed my bag a headed off to my bike. I hopped on it a set off for home. The wind blowed through my hair like a strong fan making it hard to ride on forwards. I finally reached my home but I notice something was different and it just didn’t feel right.
I dropped my bike down and it hit the hard ground with a thump. I darted inside and went straight up to my room. There it was, I could go back, I could live a different life. A time machine was filling my room. I talked aloud to myself “I could” I stutter “I mean what about mum and dad. What's happening why is it here?” I grabbed some time traveling things without thinking too much about leaving this life and I was soon ready for my trip. I needed just one more thing and I grabbed it of my dresser and took a deep breath and hopped into the machine. And here I am now rocking the cave men age as a teacher.
I still feel this sad feeling deep down in the bottom of my stomach, mum and dad are not here as I look down at a photo I grabbed off my dresser 5 years ago. The time machine is broken now so I can not go back. I still don’t know why I did it. Life is great here but I still wish I stayed in my time. I mean it is cool here but it is better home. I am in the class cave thinking about all I have done this past five years. “Class will begin soon” I say aloud to myself. As soon as I say this little cave kids come running in like I have chocolate for them (they love chocolate)!
“Hi class, today we will be learning to write our own name.” I say in my loud teacher voice to get the kids to look this way. But it does it work so without thinking I yell “ I have chocolate.” They swiftly look at me like I was the best person in the world and that they love me. But then I realise I do not have chocolate for them I don’t have anything for them. Opps. “ I hate to break it to you but I do not have chocolate but I do have rocks and paint ,I mean clay to write your name on.” I say with a smile. But they don’t seem too smile back. They look at me as if I had just killed someone.
They end up taking the rocks and some wrote their name on them and it was going well. But then someone said... “My dad and mum didn’t give me a name.” So then we spent the rest of the class thing of a name of him and ended up going with Jackson. It was soon home time and the kids left and so did I. I went home and began to draw on my cave walls I drew mum and dad and my life back then. Then I drew my life now. I leaned back look at my drawings and smile for I have lived and are living two awesome lifes. For dinner I had leftover wild pig from yesterday on my roaring fire. Soon the day becomes night and soon outcomes the glittering stars. So I make a wish.”Star light, star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight” I close my eyes and whisper. “I wish that everyone can live an awesome life and only time travel to find yourself not to lose yourself.”
Week 11
Magnificent Morgan
“Hey Dad do you remember Magnificent Morgan the lifesaving superhero?” Said Sophie. “Yes what about her?” Repled Sophie’s dad. “She died yesterday and her family found a story she wrote and it is now in the newspaper.” Said Sophie. “Can you read it to me?” Said Sophie’s dad.
She began “I am Morgan you may know me as Magnificent Morgan the lifesaving superhero I fight crime to help the people of Ngatea. Today I am dieing from a untreatable illness and I am writing a story before death takes me and my grey hair up to where I need to be. I will start with a story of a letter I got on day back in 2013.... She was a small girl who looked up to me like I was god. She was my biggest fan. one day she sent me a letter she wrote:
Dear Magnificent Morgan,
You are my hero and I wish I was you. You help to make my home town safe and I am so grateful for it. That is why I wrote this poem for you it spells Super Hero for you are an awesome super hero:
From Your biggest fan Ava or Awesome Ava
Isn’t that sweet? She decorated it with her drawings and stickers. She turned my day around and made me smile. Now let's hop in a time traveling machine and travel back to when I was young (which was a long time ago, for I am 70 now). When I was young I looked up to my dad Clever Chris he was my god and he was my father who doesn't look up to their father! He was a Superhero like me and the rest of my family. Everyday I would practice to me the best to help save the people in danger. Then back inside to have dinner cooked by my step mum Powerful Petina. She was a great cook but when she need to help she went into beast mode. I would go to mum on the weekend and hang out there with mum a.k.a Versatile Vicki. I would go up to Auckland with Joyful Juile who always had a smile on her face and mum.
Julie was a good friend to me. I also had many other friends in my family like Lovely Lola , Quick Quinn and Fearless Farven. Lola was cute and lovely girl. Quinn was super fast. Fairven had no fears she was fearless. My family were always there when I need them they were so supportive. I love you guys with all my heart! Remember you are super you are great so life to your best state.”
“Hey dad” Said Sophie. “Can I be a Ngatea lifesaver?” “Only if you work for it” said Sophie dad. And she did.
Week 10
Newspaper about J-Rock
Fifty Ngatea Primary School students from year 4 to 8 had the opportunity to take part in a dance performance to share a story at the Claudelands Arena Hamilton for a competition called J-Rock. J-Rock is a competition/event with dance, drama and design for New Zealand primary and intermediate school students with an opportunity to express their creativity through music and dance. It is a way to share stories in dance and perform to maybe be awarded some certificates. Students had to practice from Monday to Thursday for an mouth which is a great deal to get ready for the big day. It was 16th June when they set off to Claudelands Arena where they were going to share their story with more than 1000 people. Their performance told a story about a girl who is given a gaming machine for her birthday. With the gaming machine comes a gold creature which is like the addiction. The girl played on it all night and had the decision to play with her friends or play on the addictive, mind controlling gaming machine- she chose to play on the gaming machine. She plays many games - each difference dance groups with different dance style. She began with a clown game, an army soldier game and a zombie game. The games started to take over the main character's mind and the game characters started to turn up when she was not playing. She had to stop playing with the help of her friends - the performance ended with the gaming characters out of her life for good.
The main character commented “ J-Rock was an amazing opportunity for me, I enjoyed learning the dance. I think our story line had a very important message and it was a privilege to be the main character.” A zombie character said “I think we had a good topic. I think we did some awesome dancing and am proud of what I did. I encourage more people to do it next time for it is an awesome experience.”
Thank you to the people that helped out. Also many thanks to the volunteers taking off some of their time to help out. The NPS J-Rock crew did a great job and won many certificates. They won a award for participating , one for excellence in choreography , the award of excellence of visual enhancement and the award of excellence of concept.
Many thanks to the J-Rock crew you have done a awesome job.
J-Rock NPS Story
We started halfway through term one and practice Monday to Thursday. J-rock has been a lot of work don’t get me wrong but it has awesome. With the help of experts around the community. We had lots of amazing costumes and makeup to pair with our dancing. I learnt a new way to tell a story that is in my dancing.We learnt many different types of dancing from hip hop to ballet to share with the friends, family and the J-rock crew.
We had to practice lots for the big day and it came. It was 16th June I woke up bubble and ready to show my dancing skills. I then got ready to leave we drove up to Claudelands Arena where we were going to share our story with more than 1000 people. Our story was about a girl (Juile Harris my sister) who got a playstation for her birthday. She played on it all night and had the decision to play with her friends (Me Morgan Harris ,Zoe Roskam and Zalikah Burchka) or play on the addicting mind controlling playstation she chose to play on the playstation. She plays many games she played an cute clown game , a army soldier game and a creepy zombie game. The games started to take over and the game characters started to turn up when she was not playing. She had to stop it with the help of her friends they were out of her life for good.
Our story is true. Nowadays the playstation and many other devices take over kids minds. But there can be alternatives like playing with your friends, going outside or reading there is lots out there. I hope that the people that have watched or heard about it have taken the story and help the addicted. This story is a great one to share and I am glad we chose to do it. I have really enjoyed doing J-rock for it is new to me and it is something I would definitely do again. I have had an awesome time and I think everybody use did.
I would like to take this time to thank the people that help out to make J-rock an awesome production. The hair helpers Linder and some teachers for Ngatea School. The makeup crew of Ngatea School teachers. The dance teachers Mrs Davies and her sister Chelsea Davies. The ladies who sew some of our costumes. Also the volunteers who help us get there. Thank you so much we could have not done it without you. Have fun and dance on.
Week 9
Doodle for Google
Morgan Freeman At The Age of 10?
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when Morgan Freeman was my age. I would ask him some questions about being called Morgan and say that my name is Morgan too. We could become good friends and we could do acting to get together. I would go to school with him and learn how to act. We could star in movies and be in some of the movies I watch now. Before I left back to the future I would tell him that he should shoot for the stars and do good for others.
Back To The Cavemen
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when the cavemen were around. I would ask them some questions about being a cavemen. I would teach them things like how to light a fire and how to cook. I would teach them to plant trees and greenery. Then they would become very smart. They would become scientists and have hard jobs when they are older. It would make the world a better place now in 2015.
Help Save The Dinosaurs
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when the dinosaurs were around. Dinosaurs are dangerous ,big and mean. They have scary razor sharp teeth. So I would train them to live with humans and help them from dieing out. I would study them for information to take back to the future a share to those interested. It would cool to say to your mates at school that you have a pet dinosaur at home.
Writing for the plains profile.’
Year 6 to Year 7 Difference to me Morgan Harris
2015 school year has started for with Marama (year 7 and 8) with an exciting different way of learning for me and all of the years 7s. With completely new way of learning, four teachers and one teacher-aid to learn from and three new open plan areas to learn in. These are just a few of the changes in from Whetu to Marma syndicate.
We have a greater variety of tasks because each teacher teaches different learning areas. Miss William teaches reading ,Mrs Hull teaches writing and art, Miss Coles teaches math and PE and Mr Mac teaches computer learning and tec to kids interested. All the teachers have different strengths. So we get the advantage of having the combined strengths of all our teachers and teacher-aides.
We still use time tables to plan our leaning like in Whetu. But we now have conferences and workshop most of the week that we can book in to. Conferences are when we book in to talk to the teacher about something we are confused about or need some help on. We would book into one with the teacher that specializes in the area of learning. For example if I had a question about an writing I would book into a conference with Mrs Hull.
A workshop is when a teacher sees an area of learning we are working on or something we are getting wrong. Then we would book into it. Just like an conference the teacher that specializes in the area of learning would run it.
Character Description Of Mrs Simpson
Mrs. Simpson is a lovely old lady with a passion for baking and caring for others. She cooks all day too severe the best food for the Bell family. She has short grey hair pushed back behind her small ears with the rest pulled up into a bun. Her skin the of an healthy tan from her gardening outside in the warmth of the sun. She has classes that help her to see. She is always in an ditty apron. She make cakes to eat and it does not worry her that all the cakes she bakes disappear in stomachs of friends and family. She helps and cares for the Bell family all day long. Mrs. Simpson has a great impact on the story for she is the chef for the family.
Week 7
Week 6
[Chorus all]
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
[Morgan and Zoe]
We got this whole shop to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else
Lets put the sales on the shelf
They’re coming through the doors now
There's shops all around
sales pull me closer, they pull me closer
Got no money, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to get some heels wouldn’t you
[Chorus all]
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
You got to give all to me
I'm screaming money, money please
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
And when you leave me all alone
I'm like a girl without a home
I' never want to go - oh oh
I just want it for my own
I got to have it baby
There's shops all around
sales pull me closer, they pull me closer
Got no money, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to get some heels wouldn’t you
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
You got to give all to me
I'm screaming money, money please
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Week 5
Apple Tree
There once was an apple tree, it was very big. It had many apples on it. A girl went the apple tree and picked an red apple. She then ate it , it was sweet ,delicious, and it was red. She loved her apple and went to visited the tree every day, to pick some for herself. One day the apple tree fell down by the strong wind, the girl was sad and missed her apples. The girl had an idea of planting an apple tree for herself. She got the plant from the local plant store. She planted her new tree and made lots of apple pie for her family. She lived happy ever after with her apple tree.
The End
Week 4
Brave the song By Morgan Featuring Julie
I am not complete. Yeah
I am still working on my masterpiece.
Help me off my feet. Yeah
If you give me a push I will give you a beat.
Verse One Strong voice
I am strong don’t get me wrong. But inside I have been weak all along. So come with me to sing my song. Nah naha nah naha nahaa
I am not complete. Yeah
I am still working on my masterpiece.
Help me off my feet. Yeah
If you give me a push I will give you a beat.
make me smile just for a while.
Now make me smile just for a while
Now make me smile just for a while. oh oh oho
Verse Two soft voice
Put in your pocket. Always always lock it. Kept it for when you need to be Brave. Put in your pocket. Always lock it. Kept it for when you need to be Brave. Ride that monstrous wave. Be brave cos you've be strong all along. oh oh oho
I am not complete. Yeah
I am still working on my masterpiece.
Help me off my feet. Yeah
If you give me a push I will give you a beat.
make me smile just for a while.
Now make me smile just for a while.
Now make me smile just for a while.
Rap Julie
I've been weak but not any more, I'm back in the game ready to score. You betta watch out watch out betta watch out
I've never really raped before but now's my time to try more.
Verse three
Everything sounds better when we sing it together. Yeah
Everything sounds better when we sing it together.
As a team, we are mean yeah.
As a team, we are mean and lean yeah.
Never give up cause you strong and you have been strong all along.
Week 3
The day becomes night and soon out comes the moon to see this marvelous sight.
Stars lighting up the dark sky.
Unique shapes made up with lots of stars.
The Moon hanging out beside his many friends.
It is a big monstrous sphere.
Slowly creeping up as the night goes on.
It is a big bright light shining down on the earth.
Watching down on us below.
Week 1 and 2
Goldie was a goodie till the day she got a hundred dollar fine for running a red light. She woke the next day when the sun was climbing up, the dew was dripping off the greenery outside and the birds were tweeting their morning songs. Goldie packed her bag with all the possible needs to find a way to get the money to pay off her fine. She left her house in desperately bad mood.
She walked into a deep, dark forest furious with herself. Right there she found a ruby red coloured cottage. It smelled of freshly cooked porridge. She thought that if she got the recipe she would be able to clear her fine by selling it to Jamie Oliver for his next cookbook. She slowly crept to the door. She wanted that recipe so much!
She reached into her bag and pulled out a bobby pin. She used this bobby pin to pick the lock on the big door. She pushed open the heavy wooden door and peered inside. There she saw a table and on that table was three bowls and in those bowls was porridge. One bowl was shallow , one was tall and the other was in the middle. Goldie picked up a silver spoon and dug it into the shallow bowl. The porridge slid down her throat. It tasted smooth and sweet but it was too cold. She moved on to the tall deep bowl , it was smooth and sweet but super hot. She did not like this porridge not at all. She moved on to the last bowl. It was just right the mixture of sweet , smooth and it was warm.
She got up and searched the kitchen. She was so desperate to find the recipe she forgot to look in the most obvious place, the bench. After many minutes she found it. She picked it up and held it against her chest. She was about to go home but there at the door the bears came thumping in. They were big, hairy but mostly scary. She did not know what to do. Recipe in her hand she ran up the creaky stairs with the bears on her tail. She reached the bedroom and looked for a place to hide. There she spotted a wardrobe and hid in it. She sat in that wardrobe for a while waiting nervously. She listened to all the noises around her.
The noise died out to silence. She was in the house all by herself and thought it was time to escape. She slowly pushed open the wardrobe door and peered out to find an empty house. She ran down the creaky stairs and out the door. She had gotten away with the recipe. All she needed now was an buyer with a high bid. She stormed into her house and raced to the computer. She put the recipe on ebay and waited for a buyer. Lots bidded and it sold for one million dollars and fifty cents to Jamie Oliver. She was so pleased but felt a little guilty. For she had stolen the best porridge recipe in the world.
A to Z Animal Poem
Abnormal Ant Attacking
Blushing Bee Balancing
Careless Crocodile Chopping
Delightful Duck Dancing
Embarrassed Elephant Exercising
Fancy Frog Filming
Glamorous Goat Glowing
Handsome Hamster Hurrying
Important Iguana Ignoring
Jealous Jaguar Jumping
Kind Kookaburra Knitting
Lazy Lions Lounging
Meticulous Mice Monitoring
Nice Newts Navigating
Outrageous Ostrich Ordering
Proud Peacocks Packing
Quivering Quails Questioning
Rare Rhinoceroses Racing
Slithering Snakes Sliding
Tiny Tigers Teasing
Ugly Umbrellabird Unicycling
Vexatious Vulture Vanishing
Wacky Wasp Wailing
Xenogenic X-Ray Tetra X-raying
Yappy Yak Yelling
Zigzagging Zebra Zooming
My Speech
Tena Koutou katoa
Ko Chris toku papa
Ko Vicki toku mama
Ko Morgan ahau
No reira, Tena Koutou,
Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou
The hook Get Their Attention
“I’m a great believer that any tool that any increase communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedom that they're interested in.” This quote is from Bill Gates who is the inventor of the Microsoft computer system and one of the wealthiest man in the world.
Tell Them What You're Going to Tell Them
. In my opinion...
Hi I am Morgan and today I am going to talk about how communication has it has changed over the years.
Point 1
How Cavemen communicat.
Lets travel back in time to the caveman days back then there was no cell phone, emails, Texts or computers so how did they communicate and share stories? Well cavemen used clay and drew on the cave walls.The clay was used like paint and mush up with water to make the perfect liquid.They drew all sorts of art to symbols something or to express their feelings. The piece of art would contain information and stories for clans in the next generations.
Point 2
Prehistoric age.
100’s years later Cavemen did not only just use the cave paintings to communicate they also used drums , horns and smoke signals to send messages to neighboring clans. Each clan had a secret language to tell each other something important. The drums were used by cultures living in forested areas. Drums were used during ceremonials and rituals. The smoke signal is one of the oldest form of long-distance communication. It is a form of visual communication. Most smoke signals are used to transmit news, signal danger, or gather people to a area. This was expertly us by chinese soldiers stationed along the Great Wall, they would alert each other of impending enemy attack by signaling from tower to tower. In this way, they were able to transmit a message as far away as 750 kilometres in just a few hours.
Point 3
Mail and pigeon post.
This leads me to my third point. Birds well just pigeons really. Pigeon Post was first used roughly two thousand years ago. Soon after that Pigeon post started in New Zealand’s Great Barrier Island 90 kilometres northeast of Auckland. The island's isolation was highlighted when the ship Wairarapa was wrecked off its coast in 1894, with the loss of 121 LIVES, and the news took several days to reach the mainland. Soon there was two companies that both use stamp to attract more customers. Now some of the stamps they used have become extremely rare and valuable.
Point 4
Mos code
Beep bep bep now we’re back in 1840’s when Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail developed an electric telegraph this is called Morse Code. It was used to send code from one to another over long distances. The code was made up of dots and dashes then the operators would translate it into sentences.
Point 5
.Telephone , cell phone.
Ring ring, ring ring. The world is changing and the industrial revolution had started, a scottish inventor called Alexander Bell had invented the telephone. This was the first communication device that meant people could talk directly to each other across long distance. I wonder if Mr Bell knew what sort of impact his invention had on the world? The first telephone was not like the mobile phone now days it was like a brick thick and heavy. Alot has changed since then the cell phones now are opposite thin and as light as a feather.
Point 6
‘Ding, you got mail” the personal computer showed up in our households in the late 70’s but emails didn’t really feature until the 90’s. Emails are used to send megse from one to another.
The Echo Conclusion
Imagine if in a century or so there wa robots communicating for use wouldn't that be scary. Or maybe if we could communicate to animals that would be awesome and also helpful. What if we stop communicating that would be awful. Well whatever happens in the future it is extremely important that we kept the commotion going and create new ways to commotion.
Morgan’s Twist On Jack and The Beanstalk
Jack was broke Jack was poor.
Jack traded Daisy the cow for three beans or more.
Jack’s Mum freaked out and tossed them out door.
Jack’s Mum sent him to his room without tea.
When he fell asleep there was nothing he could see.
When he woke he almost had a stroke.
Jack chucked on his cloak.
He ran to the window and saw an enormous beanstalk.
Jack was speechless he could not talk.
He thought how high he could climb
and where ever it would have a good time.
Jack jump out the window and up he went.
The beanstalk was kind of bent.
Before long he was very high,
up with the clouds in the sky.
Jack looked down at his house,
it looked as tiny as a mouse.
He climbed some more,
until he came to a gigantic door.
Jack knocked once, he knocked twice but there was not an answer.
The third time he knocked a little bit faster.
The heavy door creak open and there stood a lady,
she was round and smiley and said her name was Sadie.
Jack asked if he could have something to eat,
“sure” she said, I have just the treat.
She said I should quietly follow her,
she didn’t want the other occupant of the house to stir.
Sadie handed Jack and piece of bread,
in thanks Jack bowed his head.
As soon as he was about to sink his teeth into the crispy crust.
He spotted a bag of gold coins making his eyes gleam with lust.
Then something stop him in his tracks.
A giant came into the room, carrying even more sacks.
Jack hid under the table as he heard “fee fi fo fum I smell the blood of an human”.
Jack wanted no he needed that gold and scanned the room like a con man .
The giant yawned and drop the sacks.
He walked out the room as the floorboards cracks.
Jack was nimble Jack was quick.
Jack took those gold sacks lickyed split.
He ran to the big door and push it open.
He slid down the beanstalk then he noticed one bag was broken.
He got to the bottom and realised that Sadie was following him.
She was yelling “you thief stole master gold you can’t win”.
Jack got the axe and he attacks.
He even has a case for it and it is made out of flax.
He cut down the beanstalk Sadie fell on the hard ground making a loud THUMP!!!
Sadie landed on her head Jack took her to a bed.
Doctors mended her head as Jack read.
Sadie forgot about her master and Her and Jack open up a shop called Ngatea Organic Honey.
Jack and his mum now have lots and lots of money.
They all live happily ever after.
The end
The Best Things About The Holidays
Swinging on the rope getting ropeburn then splashing in the cold deep water.
Lying in the small yellow tent trying desperately to get to sleep.
Sliding like a penguin down the soapy slippery slide.
Dash a colorful thin line of paint on the blank paper.
Jumping like a flying bird. over the BMX track jumps.
Movies and popcorn then a long peaceful sleep.
Climbing up trees like a little monkey right to the tippy top.
Playing cricket on the beach with the cool crazy cousins.
Getting to be messy and having fun,
thats my kind of holiday!
The End
The Gate of Truth
Alice Rae Jody, thats my name and this is my diary.
Sunday 10 May 2000
My husband Robert David Jody is in our super king size bed and I am lying on the couch with a pain in the back. All I can think about is my past, my younger days when I was dancer I was light footed, free and easy. When I eventually got off the couch and begin my day, I had a little bit of Special K and brush my aging grey hair. I put on my ever so holey gardening boots and strolled outside. I picked some rose’s, some rosemary and sage I put them together and it's perfect bunch of happiness. Then off to the supermarket I went because Robert ate all of the Special K and still was hungry. As I drove my mobility scooter, I thought about my decision about walking through the Gate Of Truth and how I could be light footed, free and easy once again. I would enter dance competitions and would be as pretty a picture. I got the Special K from the supermarket and went home. Robert and I went to the
grandchildren's house and had a cup of tea as the grandchildren were playing loud games. Morgan sat by me and steered at my wrinkly hands, studying it from every angle. Morgan is a quiet little girl and the rest of my grandchildren are chatterbox's, they do everything with noise. Robert and I went back home and had some dinner, steak and vegetables, it was delicious. We went to bed but I couldn't get sleep because Robert was snoring very loudly. But I finally got to sleep in the end after hours looking directly at the ceiling.
Saturday 11 May 2000
I woke up early because I needed to practise for the weekly Ladies Bowls Competition, that was happening today. I ate a big breakfast with eggs and bacon. Then set off for the Bowling Club. I was not very good at bowls but I play it anyway. The weekly Ladies Bowls Competition started at 1:30 pm. We went back and had some lunch. Then set off for the Bowling Club again. I got disqualified because I had my foot too far forward from the red mat. I end up coming dead last. I won a spot prize but it was useless and broke the minute I got it. We went home it was tea time and I made apricot and chicken. I cut my finger when I was cutting the apricots in half and it was bleeding everywhere.When I had a shower it stung like mad. I went to bed fast tonight because I was very tired.
Monday 12 May 2000
Todays the day, the day I become a young and free. I woke up at 3:00am in the morning so Robert did not know that I was gone. The pain I had in my back is even sorer than It was on Sunday.I slide out of bed, sneaked out into the darkness with sadness leaving my emotions and happiness replacing them. I was walking through the dark and gloomy street wondering what I will do with my diary. Maybe I'll give it to Morgan or Robert. I thought about it some more and I knew that I could not give to them because they would know that I have walked through that Gate Of Truth and they’d try come after me.Maybe I could kept my diary.I walk until I got to some stairs I climbed up those stairs and got up to the Gate Of Truth.How I got through the Gate Of Truth was an question that only you can guess...
My Life Risking Adventure
I stroll swiftly into the gigantic tent as thoughts swim around my brain gathering information about the girl. An icy hand grabs my wrist and pulls it rapidly towards the center of the tent. Unexpectedly she whipped my arm up and said “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Butterfly Circus!” She fishes around for the rope that hung above her golden brown locks she gets the rope and grips on to it.Pulls the rope down rapidly and butterflies fly out dancing around the tent.Everybody eyes open wide and their jaws drop. Everybody in the crowd roars a penetrating roar and clapps their hands together with excitement.
“Thank you! Thank you! Settle down , are you ready for the time of your life?” screamed the lady as I stood there helplessly. The crowd yelled sharply back at her “yesssssss!” Acrobats run at me and they style me up they get me dress in a pretty pink leotard.They pull me towards the tightrope that was hung high off the ground. “Climb” said one of the acrobats as a big smile spread across her face .That an a simple instruction that got me confused and frustrated where is the thing that I am supposed to climb and how was I supposed to get there?
“Well what are stading there for? Go on, climb” said one of the acrobats who had a big ears and googly eyes . In the corner of my eye I spotted a ladder immediately I ran straight to that ladder. I climbed that ladder right to the tippy top, at the top of the ladder, there was wire it was stretch out across the tent.A shiver run down my spine my hair stood on end was I really going to walk this how I was Scared deep down . For once I was Scared really really Scared!!!!
I take deep breath and step out touch the cold metal wire .”I’m doing it I'm doing it ”I said but I said it too soon because I tumble, but managed to grab to metal wire . I grip on with all my might , if I fall, I die , if I die well I will die its simple, but devastating. I shuffle across the metal bar like a monkey that has no experience on climbing. My face turned bright red .I got to the ladder I pulled myself up puffing breathlessly. A circle of people crowded the tightrope and there faces and actions showed all sorts of emotions. Some closed there eyes tight and were too afraid to open them. Others laugh rudely , some even clapped and cheered. A group cried a sad cried and hug each other. A smile spread across my bright red face, I did it!!!
By morgan harris
Week 2 and Week 3
Draft 2
Detective Harris Dairy
Day one of this case about a rhinoceros whose race car runs out of fuel. He was racing and then he runs out of fuel in the middle of the race. I think I already know what made that happen: One of his teammates in the pit has not put in fuel so Richard Rhinoceros has lost the race because he ran out of fuel. Or maybe his Fast Flamingo did it.You see. This is going to take forever! I am super frustrated why can’t we just say he ran out of fuel.
Day two of this case and I have some people that I think did it. Dangerous Duck who is always stirring the pot, Fast Flamingo who races Richard Rhinoceros, Abnormal Ant who is small but ferocious and Dirty Duck who is always dirty from cleaning all the dirty cars. Just after lunch today we found something that might have something to do with the mystery. It was dirty handprint on Richard Rhinoceros car. So we go talk to Dirty Duck. He said that he was just cleaning his dirty car. What ever ducks can’t clean cars. This is our number one suspect.
Day three and I am super duper frustrated. We have not yet found a useful piece of evidence. Which is annoying because we need to find out the fuel thief. Is not like evidence will drop out of the sky. Maybe I was wrong. At ten I found a weird trail of crumbs coming from Richard Rhinoceros car. But what does that have to do with mystery it is just crumbs! Ants like crumbs. Ant was in his car...
We go see ant and he has a weird look on his. I have a good feeling it was him but how can we get him to speak up. He says he can not deny or confirm that he was in Richard Rhinoceros car. So we will take that ant to court. We found the video of him putting a little bit of fuel in the car and eating Richard Rhinoceros sandwich. Like a pig in thick mud. The running out of the pit on his small legs. Then he is telling Fast Flamingo (who races Richard Rhinoceros) about what he has done. This shore will get them in animal jail. Thats a case for detective Harris. This will be my last Detective Harris Diary entry for I am going to be a nurse now (working out mysteries is hard)!
Week 1
Draft Two
School Holidays Writing
I tap my feet to the music playing overhead. I pick up the heavy ball for where it was and take a deep breath. I can do this! I picture the ball hitting the pins and knocking them all over. I swing my arm back with the bowling ball gripped tightly in my hand. I feel as if my life depends on me winning even though I am just bowling with my friends and family. I slowly release the ball from my clench hand and it speeds down the bowling alley. I close my eyes and slowly peek through my fingers. It smashes the first pin in the centre and it falls down to the ground and hits another and another till all the pins have fallen down except the last pin. I have done it, I have knocked down the pins. I feel on top of the world. But I still have to knock down the lasted pin. I have a strong gust of determination and thats when I know I can do this. I take a deep breath. I swing my arm back again and it glides along my side. I lean down almost touching my knee on the ground. I let go the ball from my grasped hand and it rapidly rolls down the bowling alley, It turns and is heading for the gutter. Oh dear. I wish I could move the bowling ball so it is in line with the pin. It falls down into the gutter. My smile turns into a frown. But I still feel awesome about my turn and have had fun at bowling in Auckland.
Week 12
Draft 2
Back To The Cavemen
Today my teacher gave out an assignment to think If I could travel back in time where I would go back to and ,write about it. When she said this ideas rapidly popped into my head and soon I was bubbling with many ideas to write a story about. I could... The bell rang and interrupted my dream. Time to go home. I grabbed my bag a headed off to my bike. I hopped on it a set off for home. The wind blowed through my hair like a strong fan making it hard to ride on forwards. I finally reached my home but I notice something was different and it just didn’t feel right.
I dropped my bike down and it hit the hard ground with a thump. I darted inside and went straight up to my room. There it was, I could go back, I could live a different life. A time machine was filling my room. I talked aloud to myself “I could” I stutter “I mean what about mum and dad. What's happening why is it here?” I grabbed some time traveling things without thinking too much about leaving this life and I was soon ready for my trip. I needed just one more thing and I grabbed it of my dresser and took a deep breath and hopped into the machine. And here I am now rocking the cave men age as a teacher.
I still feel this sad feeling deep down in the bottom of my stomach, mum and dad are not here as I look down at a photo I grabbed off my dresser 5 years ago. The time machine is broken now so I can not go back. I still don’t know why I did it. Life is great here but I still wish I stayed in my time. I mean it is cool here but it is better home. I am in the class cave thinking about all I have done this past five years. “Class will begin soon” I say aloud to myself. As soon as I say this little cave kids come running in like I have chocolate for them (they love chocolate)!
“Hi class, today we will be learning to write our own name.” I say in my loud teacher voice to get the kids to look this way. But it does it work so without thinking I yell “ I have chocolate.” They swiftly look at me like I was the best person in the world and that they love me. But then I realise I do not have chocolate for them I don’t have anything for them. Opps. “ I hate to break it to you but I do not have chocolate but I do have rocks and paint ,I mean clay to write your name on.” I say with a smile. But they don’t seem too smile back. They look at me as if I had just killed someone.
They end up taking the rocks and some wrote their name on them and it was going well. But then someone said... “My dad and mum didn’t give me a name.” So then we spent the rest of the class thing of a name of him and ended up going with Jackson. It was soon home time and the kids left and so did I. I went home and began to draw on my cave walls I drew mum and dad and my life back then. Then I drew my life now. I leaned back look at my drawings and smile for I have lived and are living two awesome lifes. For dinner I had leftover wild pig from yesterday on my roaring fire. Soon the day becomes night and soon outcomes the glittering stars. So I make a wish.”Star light, star bright, I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight” I close my eyes and whisper. “I wish that everyone can live an awesome life and only time travel to find yourself not to lose yourself.”
Week 11
Magnificent Morgan
“Hey Dad do you remember Magnificent Morgan the lifesaving superhero?” Said Sophie. “Yes what about her?” Repled Sophie’s dad. “She died yesterday and her family found a story she wrote and it is now in the newspaper.” Said Sophie. “Can you read it to me?” Said Sophie’s dad.
She began “I am Morgan you may know me as Magnificent Morgan the lifesaving superhero I fight crime to help the people of Ngatea. Today I am dieing from a untreatable illness and I am writing a story before death takes me and my grey hair up to where I need to be. I will start with a story of a letter I got on day back in 2013.... She was a small girl who looked up to me like I was god. She was my biggest fan. one day she sent me a letter she wrote:
Dear Magnificent Morgan,
You are my hero and I wish I was you. You help to make my home town safe and I am so grateful for it. That is why I wrote this poem for you it spells Super Hero for you are an awesome super hero:
From Your biggest fan Ava or Awesome Ava
Isn’t that sweet? She decorated it with her drawings and stickers. She turned my day around and made me smile. Now let's hop in a time traveling machine and travel back to when I was young (which was a long time ago, for I am 70 now). When I was young I looked up to my dad Clever Chris he was my god and he was my father who doesn't look up to their father! He was a Superhero like me and the rest of my family. Everyday I would practice to me the best to help save the people in danger. Then back inside to have dinner cooked by my step mum Powerful Petina. She was a great cook but when she need to help she went into beast mode. I would go to mum on the weekend and hang out there with mum a.k.a Versatile Vicki. I would go up to Auckland with Joyful Juile who always had a smile on her face and mum.
Julie was a good friend to me. I also had many other friends in my family like Lovely Lola , Quick Quinn and Fearless Farven. Lola was cute and lovely girl. Quinn was super fast. Fairven had no fears she was fearless. My family were always there when I need them they were so supportive. I love you guys with all my heart! Remember you are super you are great so life to your best state.”
“Hey dad” Said Sophie. “Can I be a Ngatea lifesaver?” “Only if you work for it” said Sophie dad. And she did.
Week 10
Newspaper about J-Rock
Fifty Ngatea Primary School students from year 4 to 8 had the opportunity to take part in a dance performance to share a story at the Claudelands Arena Hamilton for a competition called J-Rock. J-Rock is a competition/event with dance, drama and design for New Zealand primary and intermediate school students with an opportunity to express their creativity through music and dance. It is a way to share stories in dance and perform to maybe be awarded some certificates. Students had to practice from Monday to Thursday for an mouth which is a great deal to get ready for the big day. It was 16th June when they set off to Claudelands Arena where they were going to share their story with more than 1000 people. Their performance told a story about a girl who is given a gaming machine for her birthday. With the gaming machine comes a gold creature which is like the addiction. The girl played on it all night and had the decision to play with her friends or play on the addictive, mind controlling gaming machine- she chose to play on the gaming machine. She plays many games - each difference dance groups with different dance style. She began with a clown game, an army soldier game and a zombie game. The games started to take over the main character's mind and the game characters started to turn up when she was not playing. She had to stop playing with the help of her friends - the performance ended with the gaming characters out of her life for good.
The main character commented “ J-Rock was an amazing opportunity for me, I enjoyed learning the dance. I think our story line had a very important message and it was a privilege to be the main character.” A zombie character said “I think we had a good topic. I think we did some awesome dancing and am proud of what I did. I encourage more people to do it next time for it is an awesome experience.”
Thank you to the people that helped out. Also many thanks to the volunteers taking off some of their time to help out. The NPS J-Rock crew did a great job and won many certificates. They won a award for participating , one for excellence in choreography , the award of excellence of visual enhancement and the award of excellence of concept.
Many thanks to the J-Rock crew you have done a awesome job.
J-Rock NPS Story
We started halfway through term one and practice Monday to Thursday. J-rock has been a lot of work don’t get me wrong but it has awesome. With the help of experts around the community. We had lots of amazing costumes and makeup to pair with our dancing. I learnt a new way to tell a story that is in my dancing.We learnt many different types of dancing from hip hop to ballet to share with the friends, family and the J-rock crew.
We had to practice lots for the big day and it came. It was 16th June I woke up bubble and ready to show my dancing skills. I then got ready to leave we drove up to Claudelands Arena where we were going to share our story with more than 1000 people. Our story was about a girl (Juile Harris my sister) who got a playstation for her birthday. She played on it all night and had the decision to play with her friends (Me Morgan Harris ,Zoe Roskam and Zalikah Burchka) or play on the addicting mind controlling playstation she chose to play on the playstation. She plays many games she played an cute clown game , a army soldier game and a creepy zombie game. The games started to take over and the game characters started to turn up when she was not playing. She had to stop it with the help of her friends they were out of her life for good.
Our story is true. Nowadays the playstation and many other devices take over kids minds. But there can be alternatives like playing with your friends, going outside or reading there is lots out there. I hope that the people that have watched or heard about it have taken the story and help the addicted. This story is a great one to share and I am glad we chose to do it. I have really enjoyed doing J-rock for it is new to me and it is something I would definitely do again. I have had an awesome time and I think everybody use did.
I would like to take this time to thank the people that help out to make J-rock an awesome production. The hair helpers Linder and some teachers for Ngatea School. The makeup crew of Ngatea School teachers. The dance teachers Mrs Davies and her sister Chelsea Davies. The ladies who sew some of our costumes. Also the volunteers who help us get there. Thank you so much we could have not done it without you. Have fun and dance on.
Week 9
Doodle for Google
Morgan Freeman At The Age of 10?
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when Morgan Freeman was my age. I would ask him some questions about being called Morgan and say that my name is Morgan too. We could become good friends and we could do acting to get together. I would go to school with him and learn how to act. We could star in movies and be in some of the movies I watch now. Before I left back to the future I would tell him that he should shoot for the stars and do good for others.
Back To The Cavemen
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when the cavemen were around. I would ask them some questions about being a cavemen. I would teach them things like how to light a fire and how to cook. I would teach them to plant trees and greenery. Then they would become very smart. They would become scientists and have hard jobs when they are older. It would make the world a better place now in 2015.
Help Save The Dinosaurs
If I could travel back in time I would go back to when the dinosaurs were around. Dinosaurs are dangerous ,big and mean. They have scary razor sharp teeth. So I would train them to live with humans and help them from dieing out. I would study them for information to take back to the future a share to those interested. It would cool to say to your mates at school that you have a pet dinosaur at home.
Writing for the plains profile.’
Year 6 to Year 7 Difference to me Morgan Harris
2015 school year has started for with Marama (year 7 and 8) with an exciting different way of learning for me and all of the years 7s. With completely new way of learning, four teachers and one teacher-aid to learn from and three new open plan areas to learn in. These are just a few of the changes in from Whetu to Marma syndicate.
We have a greater variety of tasks because each teacher teaches different learning areas. Miss William teaches reading ,Mrs Hull teaches writing and art, Miss Coles teaches math and PE and Mr Mac teaches computer learning and tec to kids interested. All the teachers have different strengths. So we get the advantage of having the combined strengths of all our teachers and teacher-aides.
We still use time tables to plan our leaning like in Whetu. But we now have conferences and workshop most of the week that we can book in to. Conferences are when we book in to talk to the teacher about something we are confused about or need some help on. We would book into one with the teacher that specializes in the area of learning. For example if I had a question about an writing I would book into a conference with Mrs Hull.
A workshop is when a teacher sees an area of learning we are working on or something we are getting wrong. Then we would book into it. Just like an conference the teacher that specializes in the area of learning would run it.
Character Description Of Mrs Simpson
Mrs. Simpson is a lovely old lady with a passion for baking and caring for others. She cooks all day too severe the best food for the Bell family. She has short grey hair pushed back behind her small ears with the rest pulled up into a bun. Her skin the of an healthy tan from her gardening outside in the warmth of the sun. She has classes that help her to see. She is always in an ditty apron. She make cakes to eat and it does not worry her that all the cakes she bakes disappear in stomachs of friends and family. She helps and cares for the Bell family all day long. Mrs. Simpson has a great impact on the story for she is the chef for the family.
Week 7
Week 6
[Chorus all]
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
[Morgan and Zoe]
We got this whole shop to ourselves
Don't have to share with no one else
Lets put the sales on the shelf
They’re coming through the doors now
There's shops all around
sales pull me closer, they pull me closer
Got no money, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to get some heels wouldn’t you
[Chorus all]
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
You got to give all to me
I'm screaming money, money please
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
And when you leave me all alone
I'm like a girl without a home
I' never want to go - oh oh
I just want it for my own
I got to have it baby
There's shops all around
sales pull me closer, they pull me closer
Got no money, I'm in trouble
But I'd love to get some heels wouldn’t you
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Let’s go shopping at the Mall
You got the heels that I want
Just like they said on the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
You got to give all to me
I'm screaming money, money please
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Just like they say it in the sign
Until the dawn, let’s go shopping all night long
Apple Tree
There once was an apple tree, it was very big. It had many apples on it. A girl went the apple tree and picked an red apple. She then ate it , it was sweet ,delicious, and it was red. She loved her apple and went to visited the tree every day, to pick some for herself. One day the apple tree fell down by the strong wind, the girl was sad and missed her apples. The girl had an idea of planting an apple tree for herself. She got the plant from the local plant store. She planted her new tree and made lots of apple pie for her family. She lived happy ever after with her apple tree.
The End
Week 4
Brave the song By Morgan Featuring Julie
I am not complete. Yeah
I am still working on my masterpiece.
Help me off my feet. Yeah
If you give me a push I will give you a beat.
Verse One Strong voice
I am strong don’t get me wrong. But inside I have been weak all along. So come with me to sing my song. Nah naha nah naha nahaa
Week 3
The day becomes night and soon out comes the moon to see this marvelous sight.
Stars lighting up the dark sky.
Unique shapes made up with lots of stars.
The Moon hanging out beside his many friends.
It is a big monstrous sphere.
Slowly creeping up as the night goes on.
It is a big bright light shining down on the earth.
Watching down on us below.
Week 1 and 2
Goldie was a goodie till the day she got a hundred dollar fine for running a red light. She woke the next day when the sun was climbing up, the dew was dripping off the greenery outside and the birds were tweeting their morning songs. Goldie packed her bag with all the possible needs to find a way to get the money to pay off her fine. She left her house in desperately bad mood.
She walked into a deep, dark forest furious with herself. Right there she found a ruby red coloured cottage. It smelled of freshly cooked porridge. She thought that if she got the recipe she would be able to clear her fine by selling it to Jamie Oliver for his next cookbook. She slowly crept to the door. She wanted that recipe so much!
She reached into her bag and pulled out a bobby pin. She used this bobby pin to pick the lock on the big door. She pushed open the heavy wooden door and peered inside. There she saw a table and on that table was three bowls and in those bowls was porridge. One bowl was shallow , one was tall and the other was in the middle. Goldie picked up a silver spoon and dug it into the shallow bowl. The porridge slid down her throat. It tasted smooth and sweet but it was too cold. She moved on to the tall deep bowl , it was smooth and sweet but super hot. She did not like this porridge not at all. She moved on to the last bowl. It was just right the mixture of sweet , smooth and it was warm.
She got up and searched the kitchen. She was so desperate to find the recipe she forgot to look in the most obvious place, the bench. After many minutes she found it. She picked it up and held it against her chest. She was about to go home but there at the door the bears came thumping in. They were big, hairy but mostly scary. She did not know what to do. Recipe in her hand she ran up the creaky stairs with the bears on her tail. She reached the bedroom and looked for a place to hide. There she spotted a wardrobe and hid in it. She sat in that wardrobe for a while waiting nervously. She listened to all the noises around her.
The noise died out to silence. She was in the house all by herself and thought it was time to escape. She slowly pushed open the wardrobe door and peered out to find an empty house. She ran down the creaky stairs and out the door. She had gotten away with the recipe. All she needed now was an buyer with a high bid. She stormed into her house and raced to the computer. She put the recipe on ebay and waited for a buyer. Lots bidded and it sold for one million dollars and fifty cents to Jamie Oliver. She was so pleased but felt a little guilty. For she had stolen the best porridge recipe in the world.
A to Z Animal Poem
Tena Koutou katoa
Ko Chris toku papa
Ko Vicki toku mama
Ko Morgan ahau
No reira, Tena Koutou,
Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou
The hook Get Their Attention
“I’m a great believer that any tool that any increase communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedom that they're interested in.” This quote is from Bill Gates who is the inventor of the Microsoft computer system and one of the wealthiest man in the world.
Tell Them What You're Going to Tell Them
. In my opinion...
Hi I am Morgan and today I am going to talk about how communication has it has changed over the years.
Point 1
How Cavemen communicat.
Lets travel back in time to the caveman days back then there was no cell phone, emails, Texts or computers so how did they communicate and share stories? Well cavemen used clay and drew on the cave walls.The clay was used like paint and mush up with water to make the perfect liquid.They drew all sorts of art to symbols something or to express their feelings. The piece of art would contain information and stories for clans in the next generations.
Point 2
Prehistoric age.
100’s years later Cavemen did not only just use the cave paintings to communicate they also used drums , horns and smoke signals to send messages to neighboring clans. Each clan had a secret language to tell each other something important. The drums were used by cultures living in forested areas. Drums were used during ceremonials and rituals. The smoke signal is one of the oldest form of long-distance communication. It is a form of visual communication. Most smoke signals are used to transmit news, signal danger, or gather people to a area. This was expertly us by chinese soldiers stationed along the Great Wall, they would alert each other of impending enemy attack by signaling from tower to tower. In this way, they were able to transmit a message as far away as 750 kilometres in just a few hours.
Point 3
Mail and pigeon post.
This leads me to my third point. Birds well just pigeons really. Pigeon Post was first used roughly two thousand years ago. Soon after that Pigeon post started in New Zealand’s Great Barrier Island 90 kilometres northeast of Auckland. The island's isolation was highlighted when the ship Wairarapa was wrecked off its coast in 1894, with the loss of 121 LIVES, and the news took several days to reach the mainland. Soon there was two companies that both use stamp to attract more customers. Now some of the stamps they used have become extremely rare and valuable.
Point 4
Mos code
Beep bep bep now we’re back in 1840’s when Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail developed an electric telegraph this is called Morse Code. It was used to send code from one to another over long distances. The code was made up of dots and dashes then the operators would translate it into sentences.
Point 5
.Telephone , cell phone.
Ring ring, ring ring. The world is changing and the industrial revolution had started, a scottish inventor called Alexander Bell had invented the telephone. This was the first communication device that meant people could talk directly to each other across long distance. I wonder if Mr Bell knew what sort of impact his invention had on the world? The first telephone was not like the mobile phone now days it was like a brick thick and heavy. Alot has changed since then the cell phones now are opposite thin and as light as a feather.
Point 6
‘Ding, you got mail” the personal computer showed up in our households in the late 70’s but emails didn’t really feature until the 90’s. Emails are used to send megse from one to another.
The Echo Conclusion
Imagine if in a century or so there wa robots communicating for use wouldn't that be scary. Or maybe if we could communicate to animals that would be awesome and also helpful. What if we stop communicating that would be awful. Well whatever happens in the future it is extremely important that we kept the commotion going and create new ways to commotion.
My Writing For The Newspaper
2014 school year has started for Whetu with exciting new direction to learning. With completely new furniture, three teachers to learn from, and three new open plan areas to learn in. These are just a few of the changes in the Whetu syndicate. We now have three teachers instead of one teacher. This is very cool because if two teachers are busy, we can go to another teacher. Having three teachers is easier than last year when we had one teacher to take care of everybody's learning needs. Another bonus is that if I have a special relationship with one teacher, I can always go to her/him for help. We also have a greater variety of tasks because each teacher teaches differently and do tasks in different ways. All the teachers have different strengths. So we get the advantage of having the combined strengths of all our teachers and teacher-aides.
Another new thing in Whetu is that we have three different open plan areas to work at, the Hui Room, the Hub and the Quiet Zone. First the “Hui room” is used for the meetings and where our teachers inform us of our daily learning plan. The “Hub” is used for group work and being able to collaborate with friends and peers in the the learning area. Lastly, the “Quiet Zone” is used for individual work and down time while reading our books. This year we have got lots of new furniture. This year we can also work outside the classrooms, the deck and the Mapson Maze are a nice quite, cool place to complete our work.
There are lots of students in our class now this is a big plus because now have more people to interact with more students to share ideas with. Our syndicate is now taking our learning beyond the classroom. We now have a Twitter account for our syndicate. Every week a writing group will have a couple of question to answer. We use our Twitter account and ask other schools our questions. This is great because we share ideals and get feedback from schools across New Zealand and Australia.
Next term we start doing “Impact”. Impact is when we have passion pick activities that are normally not taught at school like cooking, engineering.
We enjoy having lots of learning spaces because now we have got more than just going into to the classroom and it being noisy. Now we can go to three different classrooms that have three different noise levels. The meetings with different teachers and groups are great because now we can have more discussions about our learning and our teachers no longer need to manage our learning as we are far more engaged.
By Morgan
by Morgan Harris
Once upon a time there was a green man. He lived in a cold metal box with his brother. His job was to let people know when they could cross the busy road.
One day the green man decided to run away from home because he we tired of his brother calling him names. He carefully climbed out of his box that was way up the top of a pole and then slid down the pole just like a fireman.
There was a park nearby, so he quickly ran through it until he got to a lovely big apple tree. Thinking it was a good place to hide, he climbed up the tree as far as he could go. At the top found a beautiful red apple. He picked it and took a really big bite. The apple tasted so good and the color reminded him of his brother.
He looked across the park back at his box home and noticed something very strange. There were hundreds of people standing on the side of the road wanting to cross to the park but they couldn't because he wasn't there to let them know it was safe.
His brother Red was leaning out the side of the box calling his name and Green started to feel a little bit guilty. But he wasn't ready to go back yet ... he wanted to have some fun first!
A smart idea came into his head. He jumped down from the tree and went over to the playground where lots of people were running around happily, seeing Green, everyone suddenly stop and stared. Green wasn't use to seeing people from above and from the ground they looked like BIG!
Giants that's what he thought they were. One of the giants called out “Why aren't you in your box?” Green replied, “I just want to play for a bit”.
He swung on the swing, slid down the slide and even went on the flying fox! Then he noticed that the hundreds of people on the side of the road was looking more like thousand and they were starting to look quite grumpy.
He went up to a pretty girl with long brown hair and said “I’d better go home now I guess, will you please help me back into my box?” She picked him up and took him back to the apple tree and back to his box. His brother has a huge look of relief on his face when he saw him and so did the crowd of people. Once the people started to cross the road safely again and cheered as they passed by happy they could finally go and enjoy the park.
Red said he was sorry for teasing him and that he really missed green while he was gone. Green felt proud that he was so important to his brother and all the people who need to cross the road.
My Boisterous Cousin
"Help" yells my boisterous cousin.I am read to spin around like a ballerina and yell at my irritating cousin. For disturbing me and my face time with my best friend Sally. But the something stop me right in my tracks.. .
I can not see my cousin anymore! I shot to the computer and look around and around.Hes stuck in the pac man game.Well do I really knead him.I mean he was as good as snake doing push up.He didn't really belong in this world.
But mum is coming in five minutes and if mum finds that my cousin is stuck in pac man i'll be dead! ”Hey who let you play pac man”I yelled from the top of my voice so he could hear me.”Never mind about that pac man is going to eat me!”Reluctantly I click on how to play.So baciatly I have to run away pac man.
Well this was hard for me because I was not a computer genius like my cousin. I control Pac-Man through a big maze, eating a huge pac-dots .When all pac-dots are eaten, Pac-Man is taken to the next stage. Between some stages one of three enamess.
I make into the 9th level if I win this My cousin will be free.The three enamels chase me ..There at my tail I run as fast I can so they can catch me.My heat is pounding like a drum. There is one more dot to eat. and I eat it..
Sparkle dust appeared the it fades away and under the dust was my cousin. He gave me huge hug and said “what would I do without you”,!But then I hear knocking on the door.’”Come in “ It was mum she gave me and my cousin a hug and said” I am proud of you daring’ And that's when our exhausting day ended.
The end
Concentrate like a race car drive .
Run like your feet are on fire .
Dribbling the ball like a pen tracing a picture.
Defend like a mother lion over her cubs.
Attack the goal as a charging bull.
Swing your stick with power and control.
Hitting the ball like a kitten rolling a yarn of wool.
Score a goal like the champ I am!
Walk off the turf as a winner!
The Best Things About The Holidays
Swinging on the rope getting rope burn then splashing in the cold deep water.
Lying in the small yellow tent desperately to get to sleep.
Sliding like a penguin down the soap slippery slide.
Splashing down a colourful thin line of paint on the blank paper.
Jumping over the BMX track jumps and flying like a bird.
Movie and popcorn then a long peaceful sleep.
Climbing up trees like a little monkey right to the tippy top.
Dangling sausage toes into the water getting nibbled by a nasty eel.
Playing cricket on the beach with the cousins.
Getting to be messy and having fun, that's my kind of holiday!
My Favourite Place
I can see so far into the distance.
Secretly spying on the world below.
I feel as happy and free as a bird.
A sense of exhilaration comes from being up so high.
Close my eyes tight and image.
Leaves rustle and swirl around in the wind.
Cicadas cheerfully chirp like a choir singing a song.
The tough rough bark feels solid and strong in my grip.
Woody freshness perfumes the air.
I feel as fresh as daisy having just had a shower.
Swaying like wobbly jelly when the wind blows.
My favorite place to be,
right up top of a tree.
Mystery Creature
Flipper like feet flopping frantically as he walks closer to me. Feathers as blue as the sky. Wings are small and thin, making it impossible for the delightful creature to fly. Small round eyes staring at me.Wings spread out like an aeroplane as the adorable fluffy creature runs to me for a hug. Soft silky feathers covering his oval body.The cheeky little thing peaked me like I was his favorite food .With a quick waddle and then a dive he splashed into the freezing cold ocean.
I walked excitedly up the stairs feeling just a little bit scared. It was like there was one butterfly flying in my stomach and the rest of it was excitement. Then it was my turn. I lent back a little bit, clinging onto the rope with both hands. I then lent back a wee bit more, trusting the rope was going to hold me up, my feet touching the wall. I started to walk down the wall, faster and faster I went.
My feet felt like they were going to break in half but the bones and joints just clicked under the strain. I was almost there but I still thought I was going to die.
My feet froze , but I knew I had to get down. So with 1 last big jump I pushed off the wall and softly hit the green grass. I felt like I had just climbed down the sky tower. Don't worry I didn't die. Now I will never say I can’t do it because I can do everything I try.
The recipe for a Autumn
First get big bowl and throw in a generous handful of crispy crunchy leaves.
Mix in 2 liters of dew drops.
Blend some tremendous acorns.Get some feijoas from your tree and stir quickly until the mixture turns a grape green colour.
Add crisp misty mornings where you can see your breath and your cheeks get rosy and the sun is like pale gold .
The drought would be good but don't add too much!!!
Blend until the end of winter.
Bring to the fire and cook over spring.
Cool over summer.
Reflection of 7 lights in the sky, a rainbow!!
Red is like the colour of rubies and strawberries.
Orange is the colour of gold, and autumn leaves.
Yellow is like the colour of butter, or ripe lemons.
Green is the colour of emeralds, jade, and growing grass.
Blue is like the colour of the clear sky ,the deep sea and berries.
Indigo is the colour of deep and bright shade of blue.
Violent is like the colour flowers in your garden.
Reflection of 7 lights in the sky, a beautiful rainbow!!!!
My favorite place
Swinging back and fought on a swing, daydreaming as clouds appear.
Sun sinks low in the mountains, drizzling soft drops around me.
I jump off the swing at the highest point.
Hitting the ground with a big thump, feeling like I’m going to rebound up in the sky.
Throwing my arms out, spinning around and around as fast as a tornado.
Swimming as fast as a seal in the cold green sea just to get to a pontoon.
Jumping like kangaroos in the dunes with my cousins.
This is my favorite place, Matheson Bay.
By Morgan
Last Monday I had a rather interesting day at work. I was getting my torch and making sure that I had everything I needed for my night duty shift at the Museum. So I got my bright torch, tool belt and handcuffs and set off to find Sally (my night duty partner).
When I got to the Old Dinosaur room I thought that saw some movement and light flashes behind a t-Rex skeleton, I followed it. It lead to the great Egyptian room. I heard a terrible noise..... BANG, BANG, BANG, were those gunshots? Where is Sally? I wish she was there. I was about to cry with fright, my bottom lip quivered. But standing by the mummy case was Sally, “whew” I thought with relief. “Where have you been?” I asked.
“I was trying to look for you but got distracted by that big banging noise.”
“Gunshots?? We better investigate.”
Armed with our torches we set off, Sally in front and me bring up the rear.
We walked back through the dinosaur room and the light from our torches made big scary shadow puppets on the walls. Sally, who is braver than me and leads the way to Modern Art exhibition room. BANG, BANG, BANG, again. We run towards the noise, it sounded like it was coming from where the Mona Lisa was hanging. We run around the corner, there standing in front of the Mona Lisa with a gun in there hands shooting at the protective glass was a robber!!! Sally jumps on his back and wrestles him to the ground and quickly handcuffs him. I step on his back and rip off his mask, and you won't believe it! The robber was, Jim Hickey the famous TV presenter. Jim Hickey??? “Why are you robbing the Mona Lisa?” we asked.
We walked back through the dinosaur room and the light from our torches made big scary shadow puppets on the walls. Sally, who is braver than me and leads the way to Modern Art exhibition room. BANG, BANG, BANG, again. We run towards the noise, it sounded like it was coming from where the Mona Lisa was hanging. We run around the corner, there standing in front of the Mona Lisa with a gun in there hands shooting at the protective glass was a robber!!! Sally jumps on his back and wrestles him to the ground and quickly handcuffs him. I step on his back and rip off his mask, and you won't believe it! The robber was, Jim Hickey the famous TV presenter. Jim Hickey??? “Why are you robbing the Mona Lisa?” we asked.
“I just love paintings, I’ve been trying for years to buy this one and got sick of waiting so I decided to just steal it.”
The police finally showed up as the Jim tripped the silent alarm and took Jim to prison.
The police finally showed up as the Jim tripped the silent alarm and took Jim to prison.
Get to go on TV and tell the story about Jim Hickey and Mona Lisa. Jim stays in prison for 10 years but tries to escape. In the meantime we have fun at the Museum. Now Ben is 12, Jim Hickey gets out of the prison and he is starting to go to painting lessons. He has painted a picture of himself and it is beside the Mona Lisa in the Museum.
The Pit
Heart pounding, I thought the slide look liked a silvery snake and it was eating me. But I go for it. Ahhhh ! Pop, I fall into the big pit, sinking down and down, it is as deep as the ocean. Swimming like a seal around in the pit of balls , they look like soft round gumballs.I’m in the amazing world of candy , but not like a real amazing world of candy, it is very scary.
I look at the mountains of balls making me feel very small.I want to be big so I climb up the biggest mountain. But I am too small , I fall down and down. I close my eyes but my hand is holding onto half a lollipop with relief.
The lollipop smells like home , I feel lonely. I have an idea. I can use the lollipop as suction cups, I start to climb. I climb like a monkey.
Puffed as can be ,I stop and look at the top dream as I wish I could be there.“God please help me.” God can't always help me. I started to climb again
faster and faster. I jumped out of the pit with relief . I take a bite of the lollipop.Yum!!
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