Hi I am Morgan. I am a eight student at Ngatea Primary School. My teacher's are Miss Willams,Miss Coles and Mrs Hull. Here you can look at my learning and work. Have fun and please comment!!
Thursday, 8 December 2016
This week the year eights went down to the college to do some rowing it was really fun. The hardest part was getting the timing right. We went on the water. It was quite scary at the start, but we all got used to it. I think me and my team work well together. I had Ava, Fairven and Imogen in my boat. We rowed in a boat with eight seats (so the lasted four seats was college student that do rowing).
Year Eight Dinner
On Wedsnday this week we had the year eight dinner. It was awesome. All of the year eights family and friends came. The theme this year was around the world. I helped to come up with ideas and decorate. We ate yummy food and took photos. We all looked very pretty. It was a great experience. A catering company did the dinner. Abby sat on my table.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
My Favorite Space In Marmara
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Learning Conversation Reflection
Tonight Dad, Petrina and I looked at my learning. We all had so much fun looking at it all. Dad said he was very proud of me and can't wait to see me grow up. We looked at all my different learning profiles. I gave Dad and Petrina a rundown of how they work. I showed them my blog posts and my writing. I had a great time showing Dad and Petrina my learning and I think they did too.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Lego Creation
Our task was to design your own lego creation on google drawings that represents me as a learner, we had to think about our learning smarts. This is what I designed. My strengths are word smart, nature smart and people smart. I am nature smart because I love to be outside and be in the garden or finding out all the different native trees and birds. The two flowers represent my nature smarts. I am word smart because I am good at writing and love to learn new words. The book of words (that I am holding) represent my word smart. I am people smart because I love to work in a group. The speech bubble and the writing represent my people smart.
💮 If I could pick quote which sums up how I am feeling now it would be: “It is good to have an end to a journey toward; but it is the journey that matters in the end.”~ Ursula K. Le Guin. When I first read this quote I did not understand it completely, but the more I read it the more I love it. The best way I can explain the meaning of this quote is a Miley Cyrus's song called"The Climb." It this song is basically saying that while reaching your goals in life is very important, it is the actual journey to reach the goals that defines who you are as a person. Such as in the song," Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what waiting on the other side. It's the climb." I love this quote and I hope you like it to. 💮
Sunday, 27 November 2016
This is a really hard riddle. Comment what you think the answer is.
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Queenstown International Marathon
Last Friday afternoon I flew to Queenstown to take part in the 10KM race. When stay at the base hotel. We pick up the race packs. We had Mexican for dinner. Then mum got some things for breakfast. Then we went to sleep. I was so nervous. My goal was to run my 10km in between an 1 hour and 1.30 hours. The last 2 km was the hardest. I ended up doing it in 56.07. I did amazing and I really enjoyed myself.
MORGAN HARRIS | 00:56:06 | NZL | | Runner 7-15 years (12) |
Thursday, 17 November 2016
How Things Fell Apart
It was that time again… Our annual surfing trip to Devon. While my parents packed up the suitcases and loaded up the car for the long journey ahead, we chatted excitedly about what an incredible holiday this was going to be! Not too long into the journey, the beautiful sky cleared and it was replaced with a sky so dark and ominous. All of a sudden, crashing towards the long line of traffic, was a colossal wave – not the kind you’d want to catch on a board either…
Desperately, people raced wildly out of their cars, running, screaming and panicking yet as I looked to my left, I saw a man standing still as the wave came towards him. He had the craziest look in his eyes. He had dark black hair. He suddenly fell. He lay on the road with a big gash on his neck. Which I had not noticed before. The wave came closer and closer to him I could not bear to watch.
Mum quickly spined the car around and went into full power speeding away from the wave. We were going so fast we crashed into another car. We could not move. Mum weeped, dad did too. I just sat while sad thoughts filled my mind. The wave came closer and closer to the car, I realized this could be the end.
Crash it hit us. I feel like I slipped into a dream. It was very peaceful at first but then it felt like I was sinking into darkness. Everything turn black around me and the world I live in kept getting smaller and smaller. It was like I was sinking into to a world unknown. Memories hit me of my family and friends.
Then my vision came back. It was slow at first, almost like what an old tv looks like when in turns on. Dim, very fussy, then everything got bright and more defined. That was when I noticed my whole body had been numbed. I could not move a muscle.
After about 20 minutes everything had come back to normal, except for my pounding headache. I was in the hospital. It was very bright. I heard gadgets & equipment in symphony of sounds- buzzing, clicking, air whistling, I lay on the bed, tubes coming out of my mouth and nose. “Where are my parents?” I screeched in my croaky voice. Nobody answered. So I asked again. They eventually told be that I had been paralyzed by the wave and my parents had not survived. I could never surf again.
Monday, 14 November 2016
Weekly News
Teen Has Created Sprinkler That Only Waters Grass When Needed
An Australian teen was awarded a top prize for his sprinkler device that will no longer waste water on overly-hydrated plants. The device has built-in sensors that moderate soil moisture, weather conditions, and rain intensity. What it does is it looks at the temperature and if it is above 20˚C (it counts as high). From this data, it turns on the pump unless the soil is already wet from the rain. It also has a light detector so it can indicate if it is night or day. It mostly waters in the late afternoon depending on the temperature. With his creation, 15-year-old Sabiqul Hoque from James Ruse Agricultural High won the national Made By Me engineering competition for youth. It took him 2 mouths to make.
Tuesday, 8 November 2016
Food Miles Questions for the 4 Square + Answers
Food Miles Group= Us
Richard=The Four Square Manger
Food Miles Group: What is the process of getting food to your shop?
Richard: We start by talking to foodstuff. Food stuff is based in Auckland. Then we order that cheapest and good quality food to get them to send to our store. We spend around about 7000 dollars on food a week. Big trucks are used for taking food to our shop. The food that is needed to be chilled goes in a truck that is like a fridge on wheels. From that 7000 dollars spent a week we turn over a profit sometimes we make the 7000 dollars back and sometimes we don’t.
Food Miles Group: Do you have local food suppliers? Who are they?
Richard: We get avocados from the Bay Of Plenty which is the main growing region for avocado in New Zealand. This area is perfect because of its warm climate and fertile soil. We get the avocados sent to us.
Food Miles Group: What transport is used to bring food to your shop?
Richard: We only get sent things by trunk from Auckland at the foodstuff base. The step before is getting things to New Zealand and this can be in different ways depend on the food.
Food Miles Group: How many countries do you get your food from? What countries are they?
Richard: We get their food from all around the world. But the most common is China and New Zealand.
Food Miles Group: Has there ever been any diseases carried in imported food?
Richard: There has been no disease at The Four Square because all the food goes through a machine so if the was disease we could see and take off the shelf.
Food Miles Group: Have you had any trouble with transporting?
Richard: We have heaps of trouble with transporting as it is hard to get the timing right when the trucks say they are going to be there.
Food Miles Group: What percent of the Four Square food is imported and locally grown?
Richard: About 98% of food is imported 2% of food is local
Food Miles Group: What is the biggest difference between import and local?
Richard: We find the biggest difference is the amount of wrapping on the imported food compared to the amount of food that comes from nearby.
Food Miles Group: How many staff members do you have?
Richard: We have 21 staff members and 9 of them are students.
Food Miles Group: How did you get the job of being the manager of the Four Square?
Richard: I got the job from my parent but I had to sit some tests to get the job.
Food Miles Group: How are the jobs set out in the shop?
Richard: We have 3 months in one area then move to the next. Say I started in the deli things then I would move on to the checkout.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Team Goal Refection
This weeks goal was about collaboration. It was to collaborate with our groups achieve shared goals. I think this is great because can keep us all on track. In my group this week we achieved heaps. We have been working on our GE's. Just think about this quote for a second "What we learn with pleasure, we never forget." This is why we have GE’s. GE stands for group endeavor. It is an inquiry project, based on interests and passions, just like what we did at the start of the year with our IE's. The steps of our GE’s are linked to our NPS learning powers. My group is looking at Food Miles. We are starting to research questions. It has been so fun so far and I am very excited to see everybody's projects. In our group, we respect everyone, we work together, set goals and encourage everyone. Good teamwork/bad teamwork Image result for good teamwork
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
School Vists

Thursday, 20 October 2016
I am learning a new language on a website called Duolingo. Duolingo is the world's most popular way to learn a language. It's 100% free and fun. You can learn many different languages on the website including German, Klingonn, Italian, Ukrainian, Swedish and French. I am learning Spanish. I can speak 14% Spanish so I am doing really well. I play games to learn and work through the different levels. It is starting to get really hard to remember all the words, so I can not imagine what it would be like if I was 100%. I think that it is soo much fun and if you have not got an account already you should defiantly get one. I am using this for school, but you could just do it for fun.
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