Thursday, 26 September 2013

Term 3 Highlights and Evaluation

Term 3 Highlights - (4 paragraphs)
This term we did some amazing science .Making and learning about vehicles and how they go. Making lots of different stuff like cars and film canister rockets.Then we tested them.. I love science and I am excited about next term...  

Thrilling Thursday
This term we had Thrilling Thursday, I was in Visual Arts group. Our piece was based on a painting called rock pools and the sea by Kaye George. We learnt heaps about different colors, textures, shapes and patterns! The finished piece looks really good!!!!

Making news papers
This term we made news papers.First we got split into groups and then planned what tasks we were going to do.There were comic strips, layout, other and lots lots more. It was amazing!

This team we had PE. At the start of the term was cross country training .It all paid off.  I  came 4th at Thames Valley. Then we starting to do Ultimate Frisbee. First we got split into groups, then played the game. Now we are doing athletics! There are lots of new skills we learnt and now we can use them!   

Term 3 Evaluation
Maths - This term I enjoyed Maths because of the challenging stuffed we did. Next term I need to work on my algebra.I am getting good at my MDR because I am getting higher scores.
Reading-This term I enjoyed doing vocab busters.Next team I am going to get better at my SRA and reading the question properly , and work on my book club..  

Writing -This term I learnt more about narratives.I am most proud of my speech because got into the whetu finals.   

Speech Writing .1

Tena Koutou katoa  
Ko Chis toku papa
Ko Vicki ko Petrina toku mama
Ko Morgan ahau
No reira, Tena  Koutou,
Tena Koutou, Tena Koutou

What lines New Zealand's road,s, looks really ugly and  s harmful to our environment? Well it’s the terrible RUBBISH!!
What can we do about it?
Well you could Cover Your Eyes
And Pretend It's Not There,?

3. Or we could do something about it..
We drop 9 billion tons worldwide of Rubbish
in the ocean's a year.
To put this in perspective that's the same weight has 1.8 million cows..

4.Every year, millions of animals die from litter or get injured  ,.
Little animals get stuck in bottles and
cans and starve to death.
Mammals eat the litter and can’t digest it properly ..

5. There are many things we can do to help change our small part of the world and the easiest thing is RECYCLING.
Recycling is super easy to do. Basically you sort through your rubbish and separate them into different groups: glass, plastic, paper and cans.
This then goes to the recycling station and gets melted down and reused again.  

6. Did you know that for every tonne of paper recycled 13 trees are conserved..Recycling a glass jar saves enough energy to light a bulb for four hours. Five 2-litre plastic bottles makes enough fibrefill for one jacket.

7. One recycled aluminium can saves enough electricity to run a computer or a TV for three hours.Turning old cans into new cans saves 95% of the energy needed to make new cans from ore.
8. In the USA $ll.5 billion dollars  is lost every year on litter.
Every 12 minutes a fire starts in the litter that we drop.
That cost money to get a fireman to put it out.

9. The council pays people to pick up the litter and that cost money. .
Litter causes thousands of car crashes each year.
This happens because people throw litter out of the car and then it hits the car behind it, the car lose control. and crash.
You can trip up on the litter and hurt yourself .         .

10. I have found a survey that said 75% of people littered in the last 5 years. I am not one of them.How many steps would you take before you drop the litter if you couldn't find a bin?Well you won't believe it in the USA it is an average of 12 steps.Isn't that terrible!
11. So next time you're in the car take a quick look at the roadside. If you're like me you’ll be disgusted in the amount of rubbish you’ll see. So lets get recycling and clean up our countryside!!

Narrative Writing -
I jump out of bed  and  tip toe the door.I walk through the lodge and out the front door.The beautiful sun is out and I am ready to launch my  rocket.I jump in the roaring rocket and it is all ready to go.

The countdown is finishing: 3, 2, 1  Blast off! The journey has begun. The power of the rocket forces my back into my seat. Everything is moving at warp speed. My stomach flips over as my shuttle rolls  over.I look at the stars and there is too much to count

Beep beep beep the fuel light flashes. I’ve got to take evasive action and crash land my rocket on the moon. Crash , smash!  I land on the big ,round moon And It is a wonderful ,silent space.

I have forgotten to put fuel in my tank.So I look in the rocket and get out some fuel.Poor it in and I am really to begen my trip back home.The moon mission is over.I am in the rocket for the long return ride home.

The countdown is finishing: 3, 2, 1  Blast off! The journey home has begun. I can see earth thousand of miles away. The clouds and the sea of earth come closer and closer to me. I zoom into the earth atmosphere and land in my backyard.I run in my house.Mum ran up to me and gave me a big hug and said “you're just in time for tea”. great as my tummy was growling for it’s dinner. Yum.

Visual art - This team I enjoyed doing maori art and making clay tiles.Next team I what to do some painting.  

PE -I learnt lots of different PE skills like ultimate frisbee and cross country.I enjoyed cross country training and it all paid off with coming 3rd in cross country.  

Thrilling Thursday - This term I did the next Thrilling Thursday and it was art.This was very fun we did painting and painted a rock pool.