Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Multiple Intelligence's

I am most like word smart I enjoyed leaning new words ,reading and talking.

  • What I learnt about how I learn?

I can learn by myself and with other people. 
I like to work will outside.
I can work while listen to music.
 I love to read and talk.

What is my strengths?
My ability to retain information.
Public speaking.
  • What does this Smarts Test mean for my learning?
It mean that I know my super powers and how I can yours them.

  • What impact will/could it have?
This will help me to choose the best place to work and learn.
 You can do it on http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/questions/choose_lang.cfm.
What are you and how to you use your Intelligence's comment below?


  1. Interesting! I took the test too and you have more visual and musical intelligence than me but otherwise we are very similar.

  2. I came out strongest on number smart and myself smart
