Monday, 23 May 2016

IE: Talking To Schools

I have been for the last term researching all about global warming. I know that it is something that we all need to know about and the most important people that need to know are the kids (the future generation) because we are the people that will need to fix it. I have made a poster and I would love you check it out and shared it with your family, friends and workmates. The poster is all about how you can do your bit to help stop global warming. I have also emailed 10 schools from around the Thames Valley and Waikato about 30 minutes ago. A few have replied back with some lovely comments that I thought would be cool to share with you below the comments is my poster. I am soooooo happy.

The principal from Parawai School said.......
Hi Morgan, Thank you for your email. You have put in a huge effort and produced a fantastic poster. Well done. I will most certainly share it with my staff and students. Once again congratulations and keep up the fine work. Kind regards

Mr Mills from Southwell School said.......
Hi Morgan, Thanks for this Poster. I really like the ideas you have suggested. I will share it with my class and hopefully we can make a difference. Thanks, Mr Mills

Amanda Willett from Katikat School said.....
Hi Morgan, Thanks for your email. I was really interested to hear about IE and the fact that you follow an individual inquiry along whatever lines you are interested in. Global warming is a subject which the future generation should be informed about and thank you for sharing your poster with us. Good luck with your inquiry. Kind regards

Room 12 from Tetotara school said.....
Hi Morgan, We enjoyed looking at your poster. It is always good to remind ourselves how we can reduce our impact on spaces around us. Last year, our school did a unit called 'Ecological Sustainability' and it helped us learn about how much humans pollute the world. You are right that kids can make a big difference in the future to help reverse some of the terrible things people have done to the environment. Thanks for sharing your poster and good luck for the rest of your IE. Room 12 at Te Totara Primary School

The principal from Frankton School said.......
Hi Morgan Thank you for your email. How wonderful it is to see students thinking and talking about such an important topic. I have shared your email with some of our teachers and will encourage them to speak with their students about it. Keep working hard, being a responsible learner. Thank you once again for the information. Kirsten Ratana


  1. Do you have a link to your poster so I can see it?

    1. No sorry but there is a photo down the bottom.

  2. This is fantastic, Morgan! It is great to see that you have received feedback from so many people! Well done on all your hard work too. :)

  3. Hi Morgan. I love the energy you put into your learning. This Go
    Global Warming poster is a good example why we are so proud of you. Well done, Morgan.
